Stock Salvage & Decontamination 2018-05-24T20:37:09+01:00

Project Description

Stock Salvage & Decontamination


To try and salvage high value storage units deemed to exhibit signs of a form of fungal contamination and undertake QC & cleaning of all product.

High value and high quantity of space consuming units requiring transport  & storage solution.


To organise a team to undertake the project in an a quick and organised manner while managing the labour and cost implications.

Carry out laboratory analysis of the contamination products to ensure a once implemented solution.
Solution “Biosweep” cleaning to eradicate permanently any presence of contamination which in turn required the creation of controlled rooms to safely undertake the process.


ICS successfully analysis the fungal and created a successful remedy, provided a transport fleet, provided storage, cleaning, repacking & delivery of the product within 7 days.